Or Train Locomotive History

In England found the first locomotive powered by steam. Was first used to transport coal from the mine. Lok was walking on a rail that was previously used for vehicles pulled by horses. Unfortunately lok-lok which Besari it corrupts the rails light it. Then created a new lok diperbaharuikonstruksinya.

In 1829, an Englishman named George Stephenson nation to make a steam engine locomotive which he named Rocket. Though the new speed is 29 miles per hour. At that time people see the locomotive named Rocket was the first time, a lot of exciting. He said the speed is too fast. They predict the smoke coming out of the locomotive it will poison the air, can kill birds and cattle can not remove the milk.

Lok rather practically made in America, named Tom Thumb. Lok working from Baltimore to Ohio in 1830. Then created lok named De Witt Clinton, who has unexpected speed is 40 miles per hour. lok-lok modern capable of reaching speeds over 100 miles per hour.

Long railroad ties from the East headed to the West in the United States in 1869 and settled on the last rail anchored nails of gold. Now the train to come everywhere around the world.

Source : Kitab Emas (Sejarah Penemuan-penemuan dari Dulu sampai Sekarang)
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