History of the invention of the electric lamp

History has recorded a period of thousands of years, in which humanity illuminated the darkness with torch lights. The light is not bright, often gloomy. Torch is lit, but can not last long. The lights could be light as well but smoky. Actually electricity has not been so enjoyed by mankind. Say in this seventy year period.

The first time people try to find an electric ball. Precisely called the incandescent lamp. Indeed there are also successful, but the price is too expensive and not practical. It was not until 1887 that Thomas Edison began working on this issue. He made a light bulb in which he gave a carbonized cotton thread. It means to be a fiber instead of a fine wire that we can now see in electric lights.

This Edison lamp is capable of burning for 40 hours. Then Edison makes a fiber or filament with a fuse. Then he used a metal called tungsten. The nature of this metal is hard which is not possible to melt when exposed to high heat. It seems that the invention was successful so that the filaments of this tungsten were worn by people today. Electrical lamps are made in various sizes. Instead, neon lamps of varying sizes are made, from the smallest wattage of 5 watts to 50,000 watts as used on towers or lights

Source : Kitab Emas"Penemuan-penemuan Dulu sampai Sekarang"
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