History of Steel Discovery

The iron ore excavated from the earth is still dirty. The ore is then destroyed in a casting furnace. But still there is dirt in it. It is still mixed with carbon. This kind of iron is not so strong and easily broken. Always the question, how to convert iron into a steel? Steel has a hard and strong nature and is not easily broken.

For centuries people have tried to use various means to separate iron from carbon. Tried and tried and the result is not satisfactory. In addition, the processing cost is expensive and the work is slow. It was not until 1856 in England that Sir Henry Bessemer discovered an easy and fast way. The first iron was he melted in a barrel.

Then he exhaled angina towards the liquid iron. The acids present in the air are united with the carbon present in iron. Then carbon to form a new gas that is named carbon monokside. The new gas disappears along with burning. Other dirt can be removed also with this air blowing system. The result is a very strong, clay and soft iron.The way used by Bessemer is used everywhere in the world today.

Iron in the old way is not good for railroads or bridges or shipping. The Bessemer process is excellent for railroad tracks, giant bridges, skyscrapers and the shipping world.

Source : Kitab Emas"Penemuan-penemuan Dulu sampai Sekarang"

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